Month: January 2020

Episode IX – One Month On… // #49

It’s probably our last main show on The Rise of Skywalker (for now…) and we’re discussing our thoughts and feelings towards the movie one month since its release. What parts resonate most? Is there anything we’ve changed our minds on? Papa Palps…it…

Duel Of The Fates…Almost // #48

Well, well, well, this week saw the leak/release of Colin Trevorrow’s (very probable) script for his version of Episode IX – titled ‘Duel of the Fates’. We discuss the script/plot, what we liked and didn’t, comparisons with The Rise of Skywalker and ge…

Leaks With Bespin Bulletin // #47

This week we’re joined by one of the fandom’s great information finders – BESPIN BULLETIN (AKA legend). He discusses the processes, success and collaborations behind his leaked information for The Rise of Skywalker and more! Plus we talk some Jedi: Fal…

The Year In Star Wars // #46

The Mandalorian Season 2. The Clone Wars Season 7. Project Luminous. Books. Comics. We’re talking about everything to come in 2020 from Star  Wars. Plus, YOUR thoughts, our ending game and more of the usual sweet, spicy goodness… Find and suppo…

A Saga Ends, A Series Ends // #45

It’s a new decade and we’re talking The Mandalorian Season One now that’s it all over – with spoiler reviews of Chapters 7 & 8. Also,  we discuss The Rise of Skywalker one week on, how we’re feeling and it’s current impact culturally and finan…